2023-2024 Goals of the Legislative Committee
- 1.
Promote the committee and encourage member
participation. Highlight the committee's activities such as Hall of Flags via
listserve, conferences, newsletter articles,
social media & MNPA website.
- 2.
Welcome letter will be sent by the legislative
cochairs to new members
- 3.
Encourage committee meeting attendance via
website & email reminders by the director. Orientation information for
members will be on the website and send out survey monkey for meeting
- 4.
Post approved committee meeting minutes &
bill list on the website with copy to board members for monthly meetings.
- 5.
Offer legislative, policy, and advocacy at MNPA
- 6.
Outreach to legislators to introduce NP/MNPA to
- 7.
Update MNPA membership through report at
meetings and as above
Eleanor Dudek & Jennifer Mora, Legislative Co-chairs